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Writer's pictureBig Data Ben

IBM creates new AI chip is inspired by the human brain

October 28, 2023

Have you ever wondered how the human brain can process so much information so quickly and effortlessly? Well, IBM researchers have been wondering the same thing, and they have created a new computer chip that mimics the way the brain works. This chip, called NorthPole, could be a game-changer for artificial intelligence (AI), the technology that powers things like voice assistants, self-driving cars, and facial recognition.

AI is all about making machines learn from data and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. But to do that, machines need a lot of computing power and energy, which can be expensive and wasteful. That's why IBM's NorthPole chip is so impressive: it can run AI tasks 22 times faster and 25 times more efficiently than the best chips on the market today.

How does it do that? Well, unlike conventional chips that have separate components for computing and memory, NorthPole integrates both on the same chip. This means that data doesn't have to travel back and forth between different parts of the chip, which saves time and energy. It also means that the chip can store more data on a smaller space, which makes it more scalable.

NorthPole is inspired by the way the brain's neurons and synapses are connected and communicate with each other. Each of the 256 cores on the chip has its own memory block, and they are all connected by a network of wires that can transmit signals in parallel. This allows the chip to perform complex calculations in parallel, just like the brain does.

NorthPole is still a prototype, and it has some limitations. For example, it only has 224MB of memory, which is not enough for some of the most advanced AI applications. It also can only run pre-programmed neural networks, which are mathematical models that mimic the brain's structure and function. But IBM researchers are working on improving these aspects, and they hope to make NorthPole available for commercial use in the future.

NorthPole is not meant to replace existing chips, but rather to complement them. It could be used for specific AI tasks that require speed and efficiency, such as image recognition, natural language processing, or speech synthesis. It could also enable new AI applications that are not possible with current technology, such as edge computing, which involves processing data locally on devices instead of sending it to remote servers.

NorthPole is an example of how AI researchers are looking for new ways to make machines smarter and faster by learning from nature. By mimicking the brain's architecture and function, they hope to create AI systems that can solve problems that humans can't. And who knows, maybe one day we will have machines that can think and feel like us. Wouldn't that be amazing? Check out the source article for more details and stay tuned for the latest news in artificial intelligence and technology.

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